Patient: An 81-year-old Asian male
Main complaints: Frequent night urination (4-5 times or more per night), leg pain and cramps (at least 3-4 days a week), leg swelling, and high blood pressure. Currently, the patient is not on any Western medication.
Symptoms: Tongue surface dark gray with thick coating and cracks; pulse thin, weak, wiry, and irregular (intermittent beat after every beat, premature beat).
Treatment: Prescribed Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan combined with Zhi Gan Cao Tang, totaling 14 doses.
Treatment Course & Results: After three weeks, follow-up revealed that nighttime urination had decreased to fewer than twice per night. Leg pain had improved, and cramps reduced to once per week. Additionally, the patient reported a 50% improvement in acid reflux (a symptom he hadn’t previously mentioned). Pulse examination showed that although qi and blood were still deficient, there was a marked improvement. The pulse irregularity had also changed to every three beats.
Follow-up Advice: Considering the patient’s advanced age, this tongue and pulse condition is challenging to regulate. However, the absence of multiple Western medications allowed the Chinese medicine to take effect more efficiently. The patient was advised to continue with the prescription for a longer period to consolidate results.
Analysis & Conclusion: For elderly patients, this case is relatively manageable due to the absence of pharmaceutical overload. In comparison, another elderly patient treated around the same time showed signs of liver yang rising and had a history of stroke. This patient was on multiple medications, leaving little room for Chinese medicine efficacy and increased risk, making it prudent to advise against continuing TCM treatment.
Update: In the third visit, there was no premature beat, and the acid reflux had more improvement.
Case NO.103 @ Anfa clinic, Melbourne
Note: TCM doesn’t ‘treat’ any certain WM disease name. TCM has its own system and method to rebalance the human body, release the symptoms and help the body truly recover on its own. TCM treatment methods and effects are different according to individual differences, and the sharing of the case study does NOT constitute treatment recommendations.
Published @November 12, 2024 | Author Max Ma | TCMDrMa All Rights Reserved
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